React Case2

Custom renderers with dark mode

facebook/react contributors top 30

Via: List repository contributors

Source code

  • Dark mode:

    • options.mode = 'dark': Set mode dark
  • API response format:

    • oa2aa( converts object in array to array in array
  • Custom renderer:

    • ThousandSeparatorRendererMixin: renders a number with comma. (built-in)
    • ImageRendererMixin: renders an image related to the string as a link.
    • LinkRendererMixin: renders a string as a link.
  • Cell label

    • options.labelers: Functions to make label by object.
    • cell.labeler: Name to extract the label function above.
  • Freeze number of columns.

    • options.minNumCols = 5
    • options.maxNumCols = 5